Summer 2022 issue in production
We’ve been honored to have a strong support base with both our advertisers and readers who enjoy and provide content for the quarterly Fjord. The summer issue highlights opportunities around the canal to simply get away and also encourages folks to shop local and support our small businesses.
Spring issue is available in locations (see below) around Hood Canal and on WA State Ferry routes. While supplies last.
2022 Summer issue distributed July 5- September 10
Hoodstock, Quilcene Fair, Allyn Days, Oyster Races, Bluegrass from the Forest
Local History
Recreation opportunities
Hikes and adventures
Contact Rachel for insertion guidelines for ads and stories.
DEADLINE: 6/25/2022 Please email now if you are interested in being included.
Pick up a copy at one of these local businesses or at our colorful outdoor display boxes.
Shelton Chamber Commerce
Red Caboose VIC
Mason County Historical Museum
Verle’s Sporting Goods
Shelton Post Office
The Strip
Toziers Bros.
Tractor Supply
Uracco Coffee
Mason County Administration
Twin Totems
Waterfront at Potlatch
Hoodsport Winery
Hoodsport Dive
West Realty
Octopus Gallery
M4 Real Estate
Stole Winery
Hardware Distillery
Hoodsport Library
Sunshine Creations Gallery
Hoodsport VIC
Lilliwaup Store
Hama Hama Oyster Co.
Eldon Store
Brinnon Store
Brinnon VIC
Brinnon Kayak/ Hood Canal Adventures
The Cove
Hood Canal Ranger Station
Munns Real Estate
Quilcene Hardware
Quilcene Village Store
Quilcene Museum
Hood Canal Bridge VIC
North Mason Chamber of Commerce
Alderbrook Resort & Spa
Cameo Boutique
Alderbrook Properties
Union City Market
Union Country Store
Alderbrook Golf & Yacht Club
Hunter Farm